Totenberg Friedhof

Cemetery description

The Totenberg cemetery, in its south-eastern part, holds a small war graves burial section that contains the last remains of forced labourers from the USSR and Poland who died during World War II. The graves are very well maintained and have new granite headstones with the victims’ names inscribed upon them.
There are also single graves of war victims, including those of Polish citizens, which are scattered in different cemetery sections. Their locations are marked on the detailed cemetery plan. The Polish citizens buried here were victims of forced labour as well as displaced persons who died after the war. The children of DPs are buried in a separate section, and their graves are marked by white stone crosses.

Address details

Cemetery address: Heidenheim an der Brenz, Baden-Württemberg
Stiller Weg 12
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
GPS: 48.678019,10.162864

Cemetery administration:  Friedhofswesen und Betriebsverwaltung der Stadt Heidenheim,
Friedhofswesen und Betriebsverwaltung [Stadt Heidenheim],,
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 28-32, 89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz,
+49 07321 327-8151

Photos of the cemetery

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