KZ-Ehrenfriedhof Flossenbürg

Cemetery description

In the town of Flossenbürg, outside the area of the former concentration camp, at the foot of the castle hill, there is a cemetery holding the remains of 121 victims of the Flossenbürg concentration camp. These were prisoners of different nationalities who died soon after the camp’s liberation as a result of their stay in the concentration camp.
The cemetery was established by order of the American military government located in the centre of the town of Flossenbürg. On 3 May 1945, a ceremonial funeral of 18 victims took place in which all the residents of the town were made to participate. Until June 1946, more than 100 dead prisoners were buried here.
Through the initiative of a group of Polish survivors, who, after the war, stayed in the Flossenbürg camp as so-called ‘displaced persons’, a monument was erected. The monument bears the inscription ‘consortes’ (comrades) meant to underline the common fate of all those imprisoned in the Flossenbürg concentration camp between 1938 and 1945.

Address details

Cemetery address: Flossenbürg, Bavaria
Floßer Str. 1
92696 Flossenbürg
GPS: 49.731435,12.346169

Cemetery administration:  KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg,,
Gedächtnisallee 5 D-92696 Flossenbürg,
+49 (0)9603-90390-0

Photos of the cemetery

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