Friedhof Meuschau

Cemetery description

The cemetery located in the Meuschau district of the town of Merseburg, holds the graves of 2 Polish victims of World War II. The men died in late 1944 and their single graves can be found in Section B1. The graves are taken care of by the town of Merseburg. According to the information obtained from the cemetery’s administration, there are no graves of Polish citizens in the other municipal cemeteries in the town.

Address details

Cemetery address: Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt
Meuschau, Zur Saale
06217 Merseburg
GPS: 51.365007,12.005601

Cemetery administration:  Stadt Merseburg Straßen- und Grünflächenamt,,,
Geusaer Str. 87, 06217 Merseburg,

Photos of the cemetery
Buried persons

Hural Wladimir


Macwrek Eduard


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